- Simon Black (Barts and the London)
Rheumatology, Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases - Edgar Brodkin (UCL)
Anaesthetics Department, Somerset Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa - Miriam Burns (KCL)
Maccabi Family Practitioner Centre, Netanya, Israel - Rebecca Chislett (Nottingham)
St John of Jerusalem Ophthalmic Hospital / Hadassah – Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel - Mark Gabrel (UCL)
Medicine, Rarotonga Hospital, Cook Islands - Julian Gertner (UCL)
Internal Medicine, Nkhoma CCAP Hospital, Malawi - Jemma Hazan (UCL)
Neurology and Infectious Diseases Depts, Mater Dei Hospital, Malta - Mohsin Karim (Newcastle)
Neurosurgery Dept., Hadassah-Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel - Hannah Marber (UCL)
Rheumatology and Endocrinology Depts, Mater Dei Hospital, Malta - Joseph Machta (St George’s)
Paediatric Oncology Dept., Sydney Children’s Hospital, Sidney, Australia - Leah Rosenbaum (UCL)
Trauma Medicine, Baragwanath Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa - Talia Weider (St George’s)
Trauma Surgery, Charlotte Maxeke Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa
Elective Awards and Reports 2013-2014