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Health, Wealth and the State of Israel: Dr David Chinitz

Health, Wealth and the State of Israel: Dr David Chinitz

Dr David Chinitz

Braun School of Public Health, Hebrew University Jerusalem

Thursday 22nd September at 20:00

Pearson Lecture Theatre, UCL ,Gower St, London WC1E 6BT

David Chinitz received his PhD in Public Policy Analysis from the University of Pennsylvania in 1981 and moved to Israel from the US that same year. He served as Social Sciences Research Coordinator for Israeli Ministry of Health, Senior Staff Member on the State Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Health System, Senior Researcher at the JDC/Brookdale Institute, and is currently Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Public Health. He has served on the editorial boards of several international health policy journals and has published numerous articles, chapters and edited books on the field of health policy and management. He was Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of European Health Management Association and is currently President of International Society for Priority Setting in Health Care. Chinitz is an occasional contributor to the popular press in Israel and abroad on issues having to do with Israel’s geo-political and social challenges. He visited London to talk at two international meetings at the London School of Economics on health policy and funding.

In his talk to the Association Dr Chinitz told how he had become interested in health policy issues from a public policy background. He outlined the key differences between the Israeli and Uk systems, and compared the “NICE” approach used in the UK with the Israeli “basket of treatment”. The differences between the two were a reflection of cultural differences in the first instance, but he belived that as they have developed with time the Israeli approach has provided greater transparency about treatment choice.