Speaker: Dr Suzanne Joels
Consultant Psychiatrist in Old Age; Clinical Director for Services for Ageing and Perinatal Mental Health at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (2010-); Clinical Lead for Dementia at NHS London Dementia Clinical Network (2019-).
Dr Joels qualified at the Middlesex, completed GP training, and then Psychiatry Training at the Royal Free. Old age psychiatry attracted her – it retains medical skills, and offers a diverse range of conditions and presentations of mental illness in the context of a rich complex biography allowed real insights into the individual. She became aware of the impact of institutionalised ageism: older adults voices were rarely heard / advocated in service design. This led to a second career in medical management, while working clinically in the Camden Memory Service and Camden Frailty Network.
Dr Joels will cover some developments over the past 10 years in dementia care, some of the current thinking behind the epidemiology and risk factors, and look at how people with dementia have fared in the pandemic.
You can watch a recording of the event here.