Speaker: Professor Alan Silman
Musculoskeletal Health, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences; Senior Research Fellow, Green Templeton College, Oxford University.
Prof Silman started his career in Epidemiology at the Royal London (with Prof Eva Alberman), worked as Director of the ARC Research unit in Manchester where he devoloped his interest in population genetics, and then was Director of Arthritis Research UK from 2006-14, after which he joined Oxford.
The topics Alan will cover include:
• Are there Jewish genes and if so why?
• How different are they between different groups of Jews across the world?
• Why was the role of our Jewish mothers so important for Ashkenazi Jews?
• Can we really go back as far as the Exodus?
You can watch a recording of the event here.