Prof Ian Goodman delivered the Presidential Lecture on 24th November.
“The long and winding road – from Anfield to Uxbridge – via Penny Lane”
Prof Ian Goodman is Director, Primary Care Strategy, and lead GP at Brunel Medical School. He is a GP Principal in Northwood Middlesex where he has been a partner since 1986; senior partner since 1996; and a GP trainer (Northwick Park Scheme,1990-2017). Ian was IT lead and Caldicott Guardian for Hillingdon PCT; and then, after NHS reorganization, became chair Hillingdon CCG (2012-21). also serving as chair of the NW London CCG Collaboration Board. He is currently lead GP and GP representative for NHS Hillingdon on the NW London CCG Governing Body. Ian has taken a major interest in healthcare computerization and data management. He was computer advisor for NHS Hillingdon Family Health services authority (1988-2011) and led the NW London project to computerise General Practice in the 1990s. He was a member of the NHS Security and Confidentiality Committee which became the Database Monitoring Subgroup of the National Information Governance Board (1996 – 2010). Ian chaired the Whole Systems Integrated Care (WSIC) pilot IT workstream, and then the WSIC database development board. He is the NW London lead WSIC GP. WSIC is a database of almost everyone in NW London (2.2million), collecting data from Primary Care, secondary care, community services, mental health services and social services. This unique database, integrating data from the social care and health sector, is also the largest of its kind in Europe. During the COVID pandemic WSIC was extremely useful in both tracking the care of patients from primary to secondary care and back into primary care, for capacity planning for both primary and secondary care and for analysing outcomes. Now it is also being used for tracking COVID vaccinations and analysing outcomes for vaccinated patients. His other current roles are as Co-Chair, NWL ICS Data and Analytics Steering Group; Chair, NW London Primary Care Digital Strategy Board; Chair, Weekly Hillingdon Covid-19 Co-ordination Hub Meeting; and GP lead, NW London virtual renal clinic.
In his Presidential Lecture Ian focussed on the influences that contributed to his career and highlighted – using his own experiences – the huge potential of opportunities there are as a GP.
You can watch a recording of the event here