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Special Reporter from the Romanian front

Special Reporter from the Romanian front

Dr David Spitzer is usually known as a general practitioner in North London. As he spends part of his time in Stamford Hill, he does see families with many children….

Earlier in 2022, however, he noticed a call out on the Jewish Doctors’ Group from Dr Karyn Moshal, asking for help with refugee children who are escaping from the ongoing violence and war in the Ukraine…….

This linked him in turn to the organisation “Tikva” with a core mission: “care for the homeless, abandoned and abused Jewish children of Ukraine and neighbouring regions of the former Soviet Union”. Some of us will have read about the Tikva CFO, Jeremy Posen, and his mission to rescue of many children from Odessa.

So David took up the call, and volunteered….

His messages and tweets from the field kept us informed in a different way.

The war suddenly had a “human face”, a medical colleague as an eye witness about its effects. Thus “In our prayers, we constantly request shalom, peace. Like air, food and shelter, peace is an essential prerequisite to life. But in our daily lives, how much do we appreciate it?

We are honoured that David has agreed to talk to the Jewish Medical Association UK about his experiences.

Watch a recording of the event here.