Rachel Valins reports that during 2018 – 9 there was a welcome drinks, a Friday Night Dinner, a Purim party and the annual blood donationdrive. The Jewish medical student group worked with the local Jsoc and the charity Jnetics to provide a free screening initiative for almost 150 Jewish students in Birmingham for some of the common autosomal recessive diseases that Ashkenazi Jews may carry. Medical students were able to be screening advisors on the day and gained interesting experience about these diseases, and in discussing the issues with their fellow students.
David Maskill reports that during 2018-9 there was a case-based discussion with dinner, a quiz with dinner, and two OSCE practice sessions per week; and an (inaugural) Northern England (post Shabat) annual dinner.
Daniel Gutmann and Sophia Raymond report that during 2018-9 there was a welcome event, a support session to help prepare prospective medical students for interviews, a Friday Night dinner, and a “mock OSCE” session. In addition the Imperial College group, led by Eli Goldin and Yvette Jaffe, organised a meet and greet event, and OSCE mentoring sessions.