Virtual Annual Dinner
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Speaker: Prof Sir Simon Baron Cohen
(Director, Autism Research Centre, Cambridge University)
Venue: Virtual
Time: 20:00
Prof Baron – Cohen was due to speak at the 2020 Annual Dinner, which had to be cancelled due to Covid 19. Since then a great deal has happened – he has been knighted, and published another book – but there is unfortunately no opportunity for the traditional dinner format as yet. However, he has kindly agreed to address us at the 2021 Virtual Annual Dinner. His topic will be the subject of his new book, The Pattern Seekers.
Please note that as this year’s dinner is virtual, there will not be a meal provided.
There is a suggested voluntary donation of £50/person, which will be split between two charities that provide meals for those in need: Fairshare and Food Lifeline.
Donations can be made by online transfer to Jewish Medical Association UK’s account: HSBC Mare St Branch, Sort Code 400319, Account number 70545171
If you are donating but are not registering for the talk, please notify the Association that you have done so at