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Visit of Israeli Colorectal Surgeons

Visit of Israeli Colorectal Surgeons

A reception was held on 29th February 2016 to welcome the Israeli colorectal surgeons who were in the UK from 28th February to 4th March as part of the annual programme organised by Prof Alex Deutsch and supported by the Israel and British Commonwealth Association John Firman Fund.

The 2016 participants were:

Dr Reuven Weil (Group leader; Rabin Medical Centre, Petah Tikva)

Dr Ronen Ghinea (Meir Hospital, School, Kfar Saba)

Dr Haim Gilstein (Rambam Hospital, Haifa )`

Dr Nikolai Gurevich (Rabin Medical Centre, Petah Tikva)

Dr Aner Keinan (Shaarei Zedek Hospital, Jerusalem)

Dr Anton Kvasha (Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya)

Dr Ahmad Mahamid (Hillel Yaffe Medical Centre, Hadera)

Dr Husam Menzal (Haemek Medical Centre, Afula)

Dr Forat Swaid (Bnai Zion Medical Centre, Haifa)

Dr Itay Zoarets (Sheba Medical Centre, Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan)

Following the reception, there was a discussion meeting on the topic of “Colorectal Emergencies – Illustrative Clinical Cases from the UK and Israel”. The chair will be taken by Prof Alex Deutsch and Prof Irving Taylor, and the meeting was introduced by Mr Richard Cohen. Presentations were delivered by Dr Laura Gould and Dr Christopher Liao (from University College London Hospital), and by Dr Nikolai Gurevich and Dr Tzvi Zoarets.

During their visit the surgeons were hosted at Kings College Hospital, St Thomas’s Hospital and University College London Hospital, visited the Houses of Parliament (hosted by Lord Pollak) and then attended the international Basingstoke M25 Colorectal Surgeons course.