Update – June 2024

Violence against women, Prof Ruth Halperin – Kaddari, and the Dinah project

There has been some controversy about the issue of violence against women during the war which started on October 7th 2023.

For the Times supplement about this violence on Saturday 8th June 2024 Prof Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, who gave an outstanding webinar on the subject to the JMA in March 2024, was quoted as the most highly respected Israeli expert on this.

You can access her JMA talk here.

In her talk Prof Halperin-Kaddari referred to the Dinah Project 7/10. More information about this project can be accessed here.

You can also see her specific response to the Times article:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ruth-halperin-kaddari-908311146_thedinahproject-un-cedaw-activity-7205578304861462528-2s1F?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/kMo9e11ku6mr8D5L/?mibextid=WC7FNe

X: https://x.com/kaddariruth/status/1799814568660832394?s=46

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7_7bkRM4yG/?igsh=cGpka3ZheGR4ZThl

Psychological Trauma post 7th October 2023

Following the recent IMA international webinar on 28th May , their next such event will take place on 18th July. Advance details are on the flyer. Further information will be announced shortly.