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Henry Cohen Visiting Professorship

Henry Cohen Visiting Professorship

The Henry Cohen Visiting Professorship scheme was founded in memory of Lord Cohen, who was one of Britain’s most distinguished physicians and neurologists, and who was for many years President of the General Medical Council.

Lord Cohen took a keen interest in the development of the Israeli medical schools, and of Israeli medicine. Therefore the aim of the Henry Cohen Visiting Professor scheme is to promote links between medicine in the two countries.

The Professorship is awarded annually to one of the leading members of the medical profession in Britain.

The Professor has two tasks during his / her year of office:

(i) to visit Israel;

(ii) to deliver a lecture on an agreed topic to the members of the Jewish Medical Association (UK) at their Annual General Meeting

The precise details of the visit to Israel may vary from year to year, but the principles are:

(i) that he / she will spend between three and five days in Israel;

(ii) that appropriate meetings would be arranged for him / her with the Israeli Ministry of Health, public health authorities, Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and Israel Medical Association officials;

(iii) that visits would be arranged to as many as possible of the Israeli medical schools, research institutes and major hospitals, as well as to centres for medicine in the community.

(iv) that several alternative possibilities for engagement with Israeli peers – usually small group meetings and seminars, but also lectures and one-to-one meetings – will be considered and arranged as appropriate.

[This scheme was initiated in Lord Cohen’s death by the British Friends of the Hebrew University (BFHU). Since 2009 the Jewish Medical Association (UK) has been responsible for co-ordinating the scheme together with the BHFU, and with the co-operation and support of the Israeli medical and academic communities].

Henry Cohen Visiting Professors since 2009 are:

Prof Dame Jane Dacre – 2020

Prof Patrick Maxwell – 2018

Prof Dame Parveen Kumar – 2017

Prof Sir Robert Lechler – 2016

Prof Terence Stephenson – 2015

Prof Sir Leszek Borysiewicz – 2014

Prof Michael Arthur – 2013

Sir Mark Walport – 2012

Prof Sir Michael Rawlins – 2011

Prof Sir John Bell – 2010

Prof Sir Peter Rubin – 2009